No Time!

Dachau, Munich museums, the city on a sunny day, last week more Vienna, and no in the room internet, and I’ve not had the chance to live blog this travel course like I  did last year in Italy.  I’m taking notes, though, and will blog about it more when time comes, maybe  “after the fact,” especially  with a slow internet connection.

A few points: this is a great group of students, we’re spending lots of time together and enjoying ourselves, laughing a lot and they’re learning  a lot (and so am I).  Wombats is an excellent hostel chain too, the food in Vienna and Munich has been awesome (and the pastries ungodly delicious).  I’ve been walking over ten miles a day, and the faculty are outlasting many of  the students walking.    Tomorrow is a day trip to Salzburg, and I’m not sure when I will have time to do a proper blog.  Sorry — I thought I could live blog this like I did last year in Italy, but it’s light later, we’re more active outside in May than February, and well, I’d rather live it now and blog it later!   More to come, in the not too distant future…

  1. #1 by notesalongthepath on May 27, 2010 - 01:42

    How precious these experiences!

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